South + Central Queensland
Our Region
Economic snapshot
The Queensland forest and timber industry makes a significant economic contribution to the State, supporting around 25,000 direct and indirect jobs, as well as contributing $3.8 billion to the state economy.
The timber industry is the state’s third most valuable agricultural processing industry
Forest and timber industries deliver:
the Central and Southern region $172 million of economic activity
$775 million to the the Wide Bay & Burnett region
Wood processing and timber manufacturing accounts for around 70% of the 11,760 direct timber industry jobs.
Across key industry electorates every direct job creates another indirect job:
Morayfield electoriate - 382 jobs (191 direct)
Maryborough electorate - 1316 jobs (658 direct)
Gympie electorate - 1620 jobs (810 direct)
Nanango electorate - 549 jobs (274 direct)
Callide electorate - 606 (302 direct)

South + Central Regional Hub Geographic Boundries
The South + Central Queensland Regional Forestry Hub covers 23 local government authorities.
Banana Shire Council
Bundaberg Regional Council
Central Highlands Regional Council
Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council
Fraser Coast Regional Council
Gladstone Regional Council
Goondiwindi Regional Council
Gympie Regional Council
Livingstone Shire Council
Lockyer Valley Regional Council
Maranoa Regional Council
Moreton Bay Regional Council
Noosa Shire Council
North Burnett Regional Council
Rockhampton Regional Council
Scenic Rim Regional Council
Somerset Regional Council
South Burnett Regional Council
Southern Downs Regional Council
Sunshine Coast Regional Council
Toowoomba Regional Council
Western Downs Regional Council
Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire Council