Growing and optimising Australia’s forest industries
Queensland's regional forestry hubs, the South & Central Queensland and North Queensland Regional Forestry Hubs, are part of a network of 11 hubs funded by the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.
Timber Queensland, the peak body for Queensland's forest and timber industry, administers the 2 Queensland hubs. A hub manager and governance structure has been put in place for both the South East + Central Queensland and the North Queensland hubs.
Further information on the other Regional Forestry Hubs across Australia can be found on the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry’s website.

Room to Grow
Queensland's timber industry is the state's third most valuable agricultural processing industry. We already have a strong value chain footprint, with wood processing and timber manufacturing accounting for around 70% of the 11,600 direct timber industry jobs. Our regional forestry hubs will identify barriers to and opportunites for growth.